Which is your most popular platform?
Number of YouTube Subscribers:*
Please add up the total number of views from your previous 10 videos and divide by 10, in order to give us an average view count. If you haven't completed 10 videos, then please take an average from the videos you have made: :
How would you describe your YouTube channel? (e.g. tech, gamer, travel, etc.):
Please enter your YouTube channel link below.:*
Please provide links to any other relevant media or social media channels (if applicable).*
Please briefly describe what type of collaboration you have in mind and what you'll require from Umidigi.:
Number of page likes or followers:*
How would you describe your Facebook page/profile? (e.g. tech, gamer, travel, etc.)
Please enter your Facebook page/profile link below.
Please provide links to any other relevant media or social media channels (if applicable).
Please briefly describe what type of collaboration you have in mind and what you'll require from Umidigi.
Number of followers:*
How would you describe your Twitter profile? (e.g. tech, gamer, travel, etc.)
Please enter your Twitter page/profile link below.
Number of unique monthly visitors:*
How would you describe your blog? (e.g. tech, gamer, travel, etc.)
Please enter your blog link below.
How would you describe your Instagram profile? (e.g. tech, gamer, travel, etc.)
Please enter your Instagram page/profile link below.